April 3

Jealous Celebrations


Partials can be devious and you may seem to be getting a negative message from one kind of partial, but really it is another kind of partial trying to downplay the importance of another partial to their own end.

When this happens, you need to work out

a) Why the partial is doing this b) Why the partial is being overshadowed by another – this suggests it has in some way been weakened – usually because you haven’t been listening to it, but sometimes there’s something else going on c) An interaction between the partials such that one has overriden the other through an action you may not be aware of. This typically happens below your consciousness – sometimes in the dream world, sometimes through enacting this in the real world, like playing a dramatic script – watch out for unusual behaviour you may be exhibiting in this case, and see if a dominant partial is trying to run a script through you, and whether you want to go along with this.

The surprise here is that this can often happen in the aftermath of good news, or a time of celebration. What is a celebration for one partial may trigger jealousy in another partial that their aspect may not be being celebrated. So watch out during times of joy as well in case you pique a petulant partial!

Celebrations often accompany change too, and that can be a challenge for type two partials, which may seek to keep the celebration short-lived, or counter it with extremes of action that can cause regret later, which can then sour the good feeling originally accompanying the celebration. Anything to temper the change and increase reluctance. Such celebrations that over indulge can also take the focus off the actual accomplishment and what it potentially leads to, and other partials may be employed to distract you from the partial(s) responsible for the thing being celebrated and push this back into the shadows of the unconscious and minimise it’s importance.

Keep a look out for this kind of a agonist of behaviour around times of celebration, and make sure you keep focused on what it is you are celebrating. And in particular, the next steps after the accomplishment, so you can visualise where you are going to next.

Acknowledge the feelings that a celebrations brings to your various partials, but don’t let them rule your reactions. Each partial should be celebrated when they have contributed towards your time here, but not at the expense of another partials’s accomplishment.


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