March 30

The Three Energy States


There are three primary energy states that when balanced, allow for a stability. These are the energies that keep your soul partials balanced, as well as the energies that keep the universe from disintegrating into instant entropy.

As above, so below.

  1. The first state is the kernel in which life begins. The seed, the womb, the enabler, the power of bringing together, compatibility, and ease. It does not take a huge amount of energy to kindle and germinate this power to fruition. But we must nurture and listen to get the best results. This is the realm of life, and the mysterious. There is a degree of acceptance here, and reflection on ‘what is’ – that which we cannot control, but we can influence. Creative power is the power of nature – a ‘natural’ force. It is not destructive in its own right, but can cause destruction unwittingly. But it is not volitional destruction – it is natural law playing out. What any given seed looks like will change over time based on the state of the universe the seed is born into, according to whatever level of the universe it is born into. But this generational part of the cycle is necessary for the possibility of change and evolution, learning and adaption. This state talks of growth. But do not confuse growth with learning. Growth is simply allowing your natural state to grow to its full potential. Learning may help facilitate this by unblocking barriers to that growth, but it does not in itself facilitate a change of state. We talk much of ‘being ourselves’ without truly understanding what this means. Being ourselves simply means understanding our nature. If we allowed our nature free reign, there would be a battle for supremacy within us and a dissolution into chaos and madness. Control is required in order to be able to be able to work meaningfully with growth. Which brings us to…
  2. The state of strength or equilibrium: In order to maintain an aspect of yourself requires strength. When you are holding many partials, then keeping other partials at bay can take much energy, unless you are in conversation with those partials and seek their permission to stay in abeyance. Strength involves the ability to negotiate not just with others, but with yourself to bring balance and harmony. Strength involves being able to look at aspects of yourself that are uncomfortable, and make a decision to treat that aspect, that soul partial, as an equal partner. This means those hidden parts of yourself must be given the opportunity to express themselves even if this is difficult and you don’t identify with that aspect of yourself. You can try to cast off a partial, but that tends to leave a space that may be filled with a partial not of your choosing. This is why the partial exchange is preferred if possible. Identifying where this can be done is the skill of strength. It is a negotiating and mediating skill. It is what ultimately keeps the universe and your self in balance to allow it to continue to exist. This is the energy that finds meaning and relationships, with reason and perception.
  3. The state of war (or uneasy collaboration) – Combative / Participative energy – two sides of the same polarity. This is the energy of change through bringing together two energies that are not natural bedfellows. What comes of this can be destructive, or it can force the two energies to reformulate their approach and change in order to survive. From a systems theory perspective, this represents the system that must adapt to survive. All systems have a tolerance outside which they cannot adapt and will perish to entropy. Combative energy increases resilience of systems, but can also cause mutations to the system that cause the system to be unable to reorganize and so die. Combative energy involves risk. But the reward can be long-lasting. It is how we learn. It is how we grow. Without combative energy, we become complacent, and we risk dying through lack of ability to adapt. The energy can be directed without or within. Both have their uses. Intrinsic competition build resilience when there are no outside motivational factors. Extrinsic competition allows you to consider influences that may not occur to you. From a soul partial point of view, you may find that you take on an aspect of an external partial, or even the whole partial, and expel an aspect of internal partial that no longer serves you. An ideal extrinsic external competition will have you exchange partials with someone who would benefit from the partial that you would lose, and who benefits for releasing that aspect of themselves. Do not be tempted into thinking the opposite of this energy is doing nothing. This is an energy in and of itself required to retain equilibrium, distinct from the collaborative / antagonistic energy state.

We think of a polarity as two sides of the same attribute – sometimes as distinct things (yes/no true/false) but usually as a continuum with the extremes being necessary for shifting to another level – such as the energy required to move an electron from its orbit to another quantum level or the energy required to move yourself from a couch potato to completing a marathon! That level then becomes the new resting place – the new equilibtrium points.

We make the mistake in thinking that anything we define as having a polarity has a static meaning. But once the level is shifted, the meaning changes, and we are looking at a whole new scale of measurement.

It takes energy to move to that new equilibrium point. But once that ‘new norm’ is in place, then it takes more energy to stay at the old equilibtrium point than it does to ‘go with the flow’.

However, it does take energy to maintain this equilibrium. Just not quite as much as creation and destruction (which is the classic interpretation of point 1 and 3 above).

Do not ignore the energy of maintaining an equilibrium. There is always a period of reorganizational change where the core equilibrium needs to be maintained until the new normal is accepted. It takes the creative seed in order to introduce the ideas behind the new normal. Some of those seeds will wither and die, as maybe they have been planted at the wrong time or in the wrong conditions. Some will flourish to a point, but become overshadowed by the canopy of trees that form the equilibrium. It is then that the destructive energy may be needed to thin out the canopy and give space for the new creations to predominate. Or sometimes, those new creations flourish under the canopy until they remove the nutrients from the soil, and the canopy withers and dies.

That might be a bit of an overstretched analogy, but you get the idea.

So what does this mean in terms of our Soul Partials?

It means that we ourselves are organisms that fight to maintain equilibrium (state 2), and that at birth we have a bundle of soul partials (state 1) that are contained within this equilibrium. Watch your child carefully as it tries on different partials at different times to find which ones fit best in which situations. This becomes our persona, and ultimately, we believe this becomes our self and we identify with this strongly as an equilibrium state as we come to the end of our adolescent years. Then we expend increasing amounts of energy to maintain this state until we reach a point where we realise that we need to collaborate or go to war (or a bit of both!) so that we can unblock our growth to find the full potential of those partials, or introduce new partials and let go of others.

One one level, this force comes from the energy taken to not be in line with ‘normalized’ state of our environment. On another level, it comes from the soul bundles we are connected with above or below us (see the previous Champagne Tower analogy) where in order to allow a free flow of energy, we need to adapt our filter to a state where we are able to pass the energy effectively – either unfiltered or with a filter that is adaptive. But this requires us to reach another state – another level. It requires us to reorganize ourselves to a state where we wondered why we weren’t like this before. Through war or collaboration. Either will get you there – one quickly through force, but with so many casualties that you may not get to where you were expecting to – this is a high risk but high reward approach. The other is through collaboration. This slows things down. Your best path is to work out a path where you need a little war to push through barriers of equilibrium, or a little collaboration to push through barriers of impeded growth.

When we reach a new organizational state, we will wonder why we didn’t do this before. What held us up? It now seems natural, and takes the least energy compared to how you were before. So why didn’t you do it before?

Well, because that was a different you. You may have ejected soul partials along the way, taken on new ones. You have reached a new energetic level and equilibrium point, and worked out an appropriate filter to make sure you are passing through energy in new ways in order to maintain your equilibrium and allow others to flourish too.

There’s an obvious question here. Does the ‘chain’ of energy flow like it seems to in reality – e.g. from bosses down to the employees on the ground floor, from parents to children, from those at the top of the government down to minions that enact the demands of high-up decisions?

This isn’t something I am yet clear on – how this works. It seems clear to me that it doesn’t have to work this way, and in many cases it probably does not. I see children sometimes who are clearly higher up that chain than their parents, who are more adult and responsible in their attitudes than their parents, so I don’t think this can be assumed. It may be a pattern that we intuitively gravitate towards, especially if we are state 2 types.

But it may be linked to the concept of hierarchies found everywhere in nature, or to fractal geometry, or some kind of genetically instigated or epigenetically triggered trait that is in some way entangled with the atoms on a quantum level of the stands of DNA. This is something that hasn’t yet been revealed, but the ‘champagne tower’ analogy is a tantalising hint.

Finally, don’t think of yourself as a ‘state 1’ person or ‘state 2’ person etc. We will all be a mixture of state types by necessity as this is needed to create a form of balance and to be effective in life. You may have a tendency towards one state, but this may simply be through the fixation of your persona a certain time in life, when trying to define a concept of ‘you’ to hold onto. Use this typology only to get a sense of where you are right now, and from here, you can explore your soul partials to see which other states they seem to be affiliated to.


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